Mooring Equipment upgrades

Average Ship Waiting Time and Berthing Time Based on Ship Size Classification. The collected data from PORT-MIS consists of sum of waiting time, no. of waiting ships and the derived average waiting time, berthing time, and port time by ship size classification. The following figures are the result of average waiting times, berthing time, and port time in a terminal of Busan New-Port. This analysis reveals that larger ships wait for a longer time, where the AWT (average waiting time) is 75.5 h; as a result, a difficulty exists in allocating the proper seat of berth. To reduce megaship waiting time, a terminal should make a differentiated berthing plan based on ship size, berthing time, etc. Reviewing the berthing time and port time, larger ships take longer times, where the ABT (average berthing time) is 21.5 h and APT (average port time) is 97.0 h as show.


Replacing the bollard with QRH can save the mooring time from 2 hours to 30 minutes, and the time for rope release reduce from 30 minutes to 5 minutes.

At the same time, the Berthing Aid system can greatly improve the berthing efficiency and safety of pilots,greatly increasing the turnover rate at last.

Glen’s docking and mooring group provides a full service to help customers decide on the most cost
effective and operationally efficient mooring equipment upgrades. Our tailored packages can be adapted to fit existing
foundations, and we can work with you to determine how best to integrate load monitoring or speed of approach technology into existing systems, including those from other suppliers.

Contact GLEN

Glen’s expertise in the manufacturing of Quick Release Hook solutions means we understand all aspects of managing a safe, reliable berthing process. Based on your specific requirements, our engineering team is able to specify the correct Berthing Approach System.

For further information and discuss your berthing requirements, contact the Glen Engineering team today

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