Four 80-ton quick release hook components were completed and delivered. These hooks were designed to replace damaged units from a different brand. To meet the client’s requirements, we customized the design to match the original hook base, ensuring seamless on-site assembly.
The customization process involved precise engineering and fabrication to ensure compatibility with the existing infrastructure. Extensive quality control checks were conducted at each stage to guarantee the hooks met the required safety and performance standards.
Upon completion, the hooks underwent rigorous testing, including load and functionality assessments, to ensure they were ready for operational use. All hooks successfully passed the load tests, which were witnessed and verified by the LR inspector.
The client expressed satisfaction with the final product, highlighting that our customized design enabled a seamless replacement without requiring any modifications to the site assembly.
#Customized #Design #Hook #Replacement #LoadTest #LR #QuickReleaseHook #QRH #GLEN